Mechanical Metaphysics

Mechanical Metaphysics

Machines operate according to the laws of physics. Electronic music is also created according to the principles of physics. It is an electronic processes that we set in motion through programming. On the other hand, mathematics, which describes physics in its language, also belongs to metaphysics (at least according to Aristotle, but we don’t want to start a big philosophical discussion here). But if we think of mechanics as a man-made thing, then it belongs to metaphysics, just like music. And here is our answer to the philosophical dilemma.

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Mechanical Metaphysics

Boot It

Boot It

by Sopocki

We have already presented Sopocki’s music here. In his development, the artist works on the elaboration of a certain tension. Tension between the fast beat and slower elements. But it is too superficial to speak of tension. Because art is always about more than just that, it’s not about the technique of how tracks are created. It’s about the fact that we also feel something when we listen. And that these feelings are evoked in us.

Here you can find his new EP (external link):

Nonhuman Metyphysics

Nonhuman Metaphysics


The experiment means that limits are explored. The limits of human action or the limits of what is possible. Perhaps also the limits of art. But limits do not necessarily mean setting out into something new. This is a modernist idea of the 19th century (perhaps some countries that are good at making diesel engines are afraid of technology, they still think they are in the 19th century). 

We are not concerned with limits at all. It’s about what experimentation might mean. It’s about exploring the new. And the joy of development. 


It is not a new development that computers help people to produce music. Especially in electronic music, which is created entirely with the help of computers. Perhaps it is also nothing new that artificial intelligence helps in the production of music. The question that remains unanswered is always how deeply AI intervenes in the production process. If music is programmed, as in our case, the AI can create tracks. In our case, it was not. But the AI has already done a lot of work on some of the tracks. In this case, it has also become part of the Zenvampires Collective. 


Metaphysics has taken on different meanings over time. We will not discuss the term at this point. But if AI intervenes so deeply in the manufacturing process, it can also determine our metaphysics. It influences how we perceive music. It is still a metaphysics of metaphysics (AI learns from humans, it is the overall knowledge of humanity and therefore cannot be better than humans). The question is what happens when we enter the world of nonhuman metaphysics? Here is the first step. 

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Nonhuman Metaphysics

Hamburg Addis Mombasa

Hamburg Addis Ababa Mombasa

Three cities. Three places. And three different ontologies. But perhaps not far apart. Whereby the journey once led from Addis Ababa to New York City. But these were completely different experiences and completely different impressions. Yuki K. was inspired by ours. Have fun.

Pic ©by Zenvampires
Music ©by Yuki K.

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Hamburg Addis Ababa Mombasa


Akuphone. A music label.

Text ©by Zenvampires
Pics by DALL•E

Why should we write about a music label? Why not about an artist, a musician, or a group?
Labels, and I don’t want to start the discussion about “curatorial art” here, we also have that from time to time, labels can control our attention. They influence the music we perceive, and what we listen to, and the cognitive sciences will prove us right here. Labels, especially the independent ones, have a much more important position than the radio (or the lists that are suggested to us by a computer and that we are supposed to listen to in the morning). Labels can also raise awareness of music in general. By presenting music that others do not.
In this way, labels not only play an important role. They have the opportunity to introduce us to music that we haven’t heard before. And Akuphone uses this opportunity.

1. the world

Because it’s big. We are not fans of the term “world music”, even if this term is often used for marketing reasons. What does “world music” mean in Indonesia? U2? From that point of view, why not? On the other hand, the world brings a world perspective to Europe, where we are convinced that we have a culture. And occasionally a civilization.

2. the music

And in the case of Akuphones, this is very diverse. We could say it’s as diverse as the world out there, but we don’t want to say that. Because that would be too flat. What’s much more interesting is that everyone can choose something interesting for themselves from the diverse range of artists. And then listen to it. Or not.

3. the label

In contrast to Blackest Ever Black, the label exists. You can visit it here (external link).

Metaphysical Symphony

Metaphysical Symphony

Humans incessantly produce art, music, and politics. It is the only being that needs metaphysics in order to exist. If it doesn’t, it has the feeling that it will die.
We present the “Metaphysical Symphony” by Yuki K.


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Metaphysical Symphony
Someone Like You



by nystada

Maruyama Masao said that democracy is not the state of “being” but the state of “doing.” It is also not an empty phrase to say that we must always fight for freedom, for democracy (however we may understand it). And here nystada picks up. With his question about the usefulness of politics. Or about whether politics benefit anyone at all. And if so, to whom. Two little tracks. For the summer. And for thinking. About the benefit. And maybe about Mills (and his philosophy). But that remains a secret. Like nystadas music. We proudly present two latest tracks by nystada. 

nystada is a Hamburg-based artist and electronic musician. He is also a member of the Zenvampires Collective.

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Blurred Edges

blurred edges

The blurred edges festival already started a few days ago (but time is an individual sensation of man and not really existent in physics, so we are neither too late nor too early). And lasts until 18.06.2023. In Hamburg. Should we go (it looks interesting) we will of course report. More details you will find here.



I don’t want to write now about Yaeji combining different styles in her music. That she also combines different influences. She certainly does that. She was also introduced at the Boiler Room Concert as a DJ, musician, and designer. She is all of that. But the term “combine” makes us think of demarcations. Of styles perhaps standing finely demarcated from one another. That cultures, professions, and opinions do not influence each other. That is an old, structuralist dream. It still exists (I recently listened to an interview with a modernist philosopher who just missed such a world). But the dream of a modernist philosopher does not matter for reality.
The music plays a role.
Yaeji I discovered rather… by chance. A member of our collective heard her in 2020, but she stayed. Not the combination of styles. But the place that the combination represents. Because I don’t want to sound too philosophical here, it’s the places that are created by the combinations. They are places that we enter culturally, musically, and artistically. And travel from one to the other. And let them have an effect on us. And that’s how Yaeji is. With her first album. More about it: here (external link).

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