

I don’t want to write now about Yaeji combining different styles in her music. That she also combines different influences. She certainly does that. She was also introduced at the Boiler Room Concert as a DJ, musician, and designer. She is all of that. But the term “combine” makes us think of demarcations. Of styles perhaps standing finely demarcated from one another. That cultures, professions, and opinions do not influence each other. That is an old, structuralist dream. It still exists (I recently listened to an interview with a modernist philosopher who just missed such a world). But the dream of a modernist philosopher does not matter for reality.
The music plays a role.
Yaeji I discovered rather… by chance. A member of our collective heard her in 2020, but she stayed. Not the combination of styles. But the place that the combination represents. Because I don’t want to sound too philosophical here, it’s the places that are created by the combinations. They are places that we enter culturally, musically, and artistically. And travel from one to the other. And let them have an effect on us. And that’s how Yaeji is. With her first album. More about it: here (external link).

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