Pictures at the Reality Exhibition: Snieznik Incident.
Text ©by Marek Gajdziński
Pic ©by Zenvampires Collective
Movie ©by Marek Gajdziński

Date: Unknown.
- Hamburg,
- Snieznik (Králický Sněžník in Czech, Śnieżnik in Polish), the focal mountain of the Snieznik Massif in the Eastern Sudetes, on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland,
- Bukowina Tatrzańska, a town off the Tatra Mountains in Poland.
Main actors:
- Michael, a human being (born in Tczew, Poland, based in Hamburg, Germany),
- Eva, a human being (born in Poznan, Poland),
- Marek, a human being (place of birth unknown),
- AI,
- Shitake mushroom created by AI,
- “Pokój do Regulacji Oddechu” (Breathing Control Room) at the mountain chalet (called Schronisko Na Śnieżniku Imienia Zbigniewa Fastnachta),
- Other rooms and spaces identified as the interior of Bury Miś, a restaurant in a Bukowina Tatrzańska, a town of the Tatra Mountains in Poland,
- Snow (white),
- A group of people outside, minding their own business, seen through the window.
Background: The incident took place in Michael’s house in Norderstedt, a town at the outskirts of Hamburg.
Michael, Eva and Marek were having a good time over the experimental offshoot of shitake mushroom doctored by AI especially for the party. As a result of the trip, all the three participants woke up in the following morning remembering each the same dream. This itself was strongly weird. However, the feeling of something weird going on went outer space high as Eva discovered on her phone the video footage that showed exactly what all the participants of the mushroom party remembered from their shared dream.
Mystery: The film that registers the single dream that features two locations, Králický Sněžník in Czech and Poland and Bukowina Tatrzańska, a town off the Tatra Mountains in Poland. The distance between Snieznik and Hamburg is about 700 kilometres. To get to Bukowina Tatrzańska from Snieznik one must travel another 400 kilometres. The entire distance to cover in this trip both ways would be about 2,200 kilometres. There seems no way in which Eva could travel to Snieznik and to the Tatra Mountains, and then go back to Michael’s house before they all woke up, without anyone noticing it. So, to explain in a rational manner what really happened, especially how the film was recorded, when, where and by whom, seems to be a hard task.
Speculations: No speculations so far. However, you are encouraged to share your intuitions about what could have happened in the comments.
You can watch Marek’s movie here (external link leading you to Vimeo).
No person from the Zenvampires Collective participated in the film or the shooting.